Muskingum Chapter #485
Order of the Eastern Star

2025 Theme:
The Bee Attitudes
Bees and Smiley Faces
Yellow, Silver, and Black
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing for the body
Proverbs 16:24
Meetings at 7:30 PM on 4th Tuessdays except 3rd Tuesday in December
No Meetings in January and February
Celebrating 101 Years

Trip to Vera Bradley Warehouse Sale and dinner at the Winery at Versailles. Download file for information
We forgot to take a new photo but will do it when we resume meetings in March. It's mostly the same people!
Congratulations to Ohio's 2024-2025 Grand Warder, shown here with her daughter Courtney Overholt, son-in-law Ian Overholt, husband Conrad Wilkins, and daughter Taylor Wilkins. All our members of Muskingum #485
Home Chapter of:
Grand Warder of the Grand Chapter of Ohio - Jodi Wilkins
Grand Representative of British Columbia - Jodi Drake
District 16 1st VP - Jodi Drake
District 16 3rd VP - Brooke Anderson
District 16 Secretary/Treasurer - Jodi Wilkins
District 16 Charities Director - Michelle Rognon
2025 Officers
Worthy Matron Michelle Rognon
Worthy Patron David Schroeder
Associate Matron Nieokea Kirkbride
Associate Patron Conrad Wilkins
Secretary Brooke Anderson
Treasurer Jane Untied
Conductress Valerie Norman
Associate Conductress Janet Edwards
Chaplain Clarence Sidwell
Marshal Jean Zullig
Organist Jodi Wilkins
Adah Ruth Ann Mason
Ruth Mitzy Lahna
Esther Jodi Drake
Martha Becky Sidwell
Electa Sharon Ross
Warder Marilyn Stalnaker
Sentinel David Purkey